Signs You Might be Color Blind

Signs You Might be Color Blind

Colorblindness may seem like an obvious deficiency to diagnose, right? Wrong. Colorblindness can come in varying levels of severity, and more mild symptoms can often be difficult to catch. In some cases, even those with more severe symptoms do not understand their colorblindness. It is possible to learn the correct association of objects and colors without realizing you don’t see these items the same way everyone else does. Despite severity levels, here are a few signs you might be color blind.   

Trouble Seeing Color  

The most obvious sign is trouble seeing color or brightness and intensity. If colors come off as dull or you have a hard time identifying certain colors, this is a sign you might be color blind.   

Trouble Seeing Different Shades  

Similarly, if different shades of colors do not stand out to you, you may be color blind. Reds, greens, blues, and yellows are the most common colors that people who are colorblind have trouble identifying in different shades.   

Others Notice First  

While you may be unaware of your deficiency, others around you may notice it quite easily. Do others often mention your mismatched clothes? Do other people at school notice your uniquely colored drawings? Has someone pointed out certain cooking mistakes, such as over or undercooking meat or eating unripe tomatoes? This may be a warning sign that the way you perceive colors is not the norm.  

It's in Your Genes  

Color blindness is most often acquired through genetics, although it can be developed in later years due to certain conditions such as cataracts. Colorblindness is an X-linked recessive trait. This means your mom would have to possess the mutation on both of her X chromosomes in order for her to be colorblind. However, if she does not have the mutation on both X chromosomes, she can still be a carrier of the gene. Women are most likely to pass colorblindness down to their sons. If your grandfather or mother is colorblind, there is a good chance you may be too.

If you have experienced these signs or symptoms, you may have some level of colorblindness or color deficiency. Visit your optometrist or take a colorblind glasses test online to determine if you are colorblind.