Color Blind 102
Those who are colorblind are known as anomalous trichromats; this is where one type of cone which perceives light is out of alignment, therefore causing a color blind deficiency.
Trichromats are the people who can see normal color vision, this is because their vision uses all three types of light cones correctly.
Those who have deuteranomaly will typically experience greens, yellows, browns and reds to appear redder or similar. As a result their green cone sensitivity is moved towards the red sensitive cones. Colors such as purple will be difficult to distinguish from blue.
This is where the green sensitive cones are missing and are not working at all, typically resulting in only distinguishing two to three different hues, consequently allowing them to only see reds as brownish-yellow and greens as beige.
This is where if your L-cones are not missing but are defective, which means you have a weakened ability to differentiate between some hues of reds and greens; further making it difficult for you to see red, orange and yellow as it may appear greener or the colors are not as vibrant as expected.
This is present when your L-cone is missing resulting in you only having a short - medium wavelength which affects your intensities to red light, leaving you with two working cones, enabling your reds to appear as black and certain shades of orange, yellow and green to all appear as yellow.
This is where the S-cones are functionally limited which the person with this deficiency will struggle with blues as it will appear greener and it can be difficult to tell yellow and red from pink.
Those with tritanopia have only medium and long wavelength as their S-cones are missing. This makes the blue appear as green and yellow appear as violet or light grey.
Monochromatic people will see no color at all, this means everything they see will be in shades of grey. It is a rare subtype of color blind deficiency with different types within monochromacy such as Rod monochromacy and cone monochromacy. Occurs from both when none of the cone cells have functional photopigments or from a failure of two of the three cone cell photopigments to work.
Here at Pilestone, we're able to color correct your vision with our high-tech glasses. Shop our collection and find the best glasses that'll suit you. If you want to live a colorful life, then shop at Pilestone, we'll provide you glasses that are worth seeing through.